PRCMS Houses

In the 2022-2023 implemented a new program to positively enhance the social and emotional culture of our school. If this reminds you of Harry Potter and the Hogwarts houses, you are not too far off the mark! 


Historically originating from England, “houses” have proven to be a beneficial structure for educational institutions ranging from elementary schools on up to universities. Similar to the houses implemented at the award-winning teaching school, The Ron Clark Academy, our students will build deeper relationships with staff and peers, which can foster positive adolescent development and a sense of belonging, acceptance, and camaraderie with their housemates. 


At the beginning of the year, all new students are sorted when they receive House Mail, where they learn which of six houses they will belong to for the remainder of their time as a PRCMS Blue Devil. Each house is named after an animal and boasts a characteristic we hope our students will learn and model as they grow.

Bear House represents compassion - concern for the well-being of others.
Eagle House represents commitment - dedication to a cause.
Lion House represents pride - satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, or those associated with.
Moose House represents integrity -  making the right choice even when no one is watching.
Shark House represents respect -  due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others.
Wolf House represents leadership - the action of leading others to achieve.


The PRCMS "houses" are the backbone of our school culture. Throughout the year, our kids engage in team-building and relationship-building activities with their housemates and staff, learn important skills to aid in social and emotional development, and participate in kindness activities to encourage selfless acts of gratitude. Of course, we also all enjoy the friendly school spirit competitions to earn fun rewards, including the massive pancake breakfast, and the distinction of housing the #BlueDevil House Cup for the month! 


We recognize middle school can be a complex time for adolescents, so we are committed to growing our house program to help us provide the nurturing guidance our students need while they are with us. We are SIX HOUSES, but ONE FAMILY.